Thursday, July 3, 2014

A Visit to Montezuma's Well In Arizona...Definitely Worth the Short Drive Off the Highway.

Ancient Pueblo-style Dwelling Near the Rim

This is an ancient dwelling that was build under the rim at Montezuma's Well, which was a major water source in the desert there.
Steps to reach Montezuma's Well

Montezuma's Well is a huge cavity in the gound with an underground water supply at the bottom, and these steps lead down to the bottom. The sign down there warns visitors to stay on the trail.
Ancient dwelling in Montezuma's well

This dwelling is near the bottom of Montezuma's Well. It is much cooler here than it is at that other dwelling near the rim.
Lizard lounging near the trail.

This lizard was by the trail that leads down to the water inside Montezuma's Well.
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More Pix From My Arizona Trip

Detail of Montezuma's Castle in Arizona

Montezuma's Castle in Arizona
Cactus clings to the Edge of Montezuma's Well in AZ

Cactus beside Montezuma's Well in Arizona.
AZ Desert scenery shines bright on beautiful day

Arizona desert scenery I saw on my trip..
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